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Friday, October 29, 2010

Busy body life~

Seems like my "3 minute heat" still left, I am feeling like want to write blog again after yesterday. Haha. 

Throughout this university life, I was slowly get to know my bad habit more and more and more. Just like one of it, sometimes can says that I was always doing the "addition" thing which is not useful. For instances, probably somebody may not need my help, but don't know why, I will suddenly get myself into it. Seems like I am quite busy body rite? Like recently happened, someone told me that the schedule for next semester is out and gave those code to register. What is in my mine is I better inform others people also so that everyone can get the useful information. But in the end, that friend told me, "why are you go announce to the whole world? I do not want them to have the same lecture class again because some of those are passenger in the group work! Now you see what you have done. Now make me have to register again to another class to avoid same group with those rubbish passenger!". I understand that to group with those passengers will be very troublesome. I have that experience before. Now I am already become the busy body. This is one of my problem occur in myself. Is it my thinking got problem? How come I will do such busy body things that make my friends fall into disadvantages? Actually I was tried to avoid myself to fall into such incident. Become a troublemaker among my friends. Sometimes I would think, is the world is too complicated cause me cannot adapt to the so called "real world"? Or is my mindset problem? Wei Leong ah Wei Leong, can't you just think more thoroughly before you do something?

Another incident sometimes I feel that I'm like cannot keep any secret if I'm not been told that is a secret. I am very weak in analyzing others people thinking such as this shouldn't say, that shouldn't ask, etc. But today I did something like that again. Is my mind problem or what, I will automatically go tell others as well no matter should or shouldn't. Because in my mindset, those are my friends, i should told them as well. But problem is, most of the time I will accidentally told the wrong person. I'm not sure that is consider bad luck or what, but somehow I was told something to the person that shouldn't know about it. I'm too weak in these things, as well others people thinking.

Another busy body incident is I will always want to organize something like trip to my fellow friends, so sometimes I always come out some idea that we should go here la, go there la, so that we have some memories in our university life. But the problem is, not everyone will think like me, thinks that will have good memories along the trip. But problem is, not all will think like me, maybe some of them will think that " How come Wei Leong so busy body one? Always go organize something and force us to join, my time is precious." And some of them probably will join the trip, but they will give those answers in between whether go or not going. For instances, even though we are in a class, but we also have a small group of friends will be closer to others. So, when I go ask for their confirmation, they will go refer each other like I'm asking A, "hey A, are you going to the trip?", but A will answer " erm, I don't know la, you go ask B, if B go then I go". So, immediately I go ask B is she going or not? Surprisingly B answer me, "Oh, A told me before, but I must go ask C first see her go or not. Or like this la, you go ask C go or not la." At that time, I feel that I was played, but never mind, we are friends what, okay, I go ask C. By the time when I ask C, Don't know how but somehow I can expect her answershe said " Erm, don't ask me la, you ask A la, she is the leader.If she go, all of us go". What the heck! Ask me go round and round and got no answer. Haiz, this is consider my main problem, I was too busy body. Why I was doing these busy body things to handle these kind of situation? Why I want to organise trip for them who doesn't want it? Why I am like forcing them in order to get better memories? Why I want to be the bad guy like dictator wanted all people to join the trip organise by me? All because of me was busy body and made a lot of wrong assumption. 

Sometimes, I may too busy body and cannot keep secret because of my mindset. I want to change this bad habit but it takes time to change. Probably some people because of my busy body altitude, they will just scare of me and stay away from me. Maybe they are right. For me, I also will scare of these kinds of people. 

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