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Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Time Ever To Write My Own Blog

This is my very first time to writing blog. Probably this is a good start to improve my writing and to express my feeling, my experiences about social life and etc. However, this is my first time of writing blog, probably will have a lot of grammar mistake, but i guess if will be better if i continues writing blog after this. ( But the problem is I don't know whether i can still got interested on blogging because of my bad habit; like Chinese said" 3 minutes heat". HAHA).

I should start on my university life. In this three years studying in the university, I have learned a lot of things like how to deal with people, knowing all kind of people in the society. University just like a mini society, everything that can be happened in here and just the same as the outside world. University life just like a internship for all of us, practicing to survive in the society. During school life, I might think that everything can go as I wish if i wanted to. But after experience in university life, things goes oppositely. We must expect that even though we have done something very hard, we should think for the worst case maybe happen. Things may goes wrong in many factor. But most importantly, even though we have fail, we must brave enough to face it, think positively, and must always have in my mind " nothing cannot be done, failure just make things done in more perfect way".

In university, I have also experience some about friends. Previously, i thought that friends have only one kind, good friends. But for now, actually friends have many kinds, like friends who are just saying hi to each others, friends from someone who have purpose or to use you,and most importantly,those who suddenly approach you and act like very close and nice to you. This kind of people are very dangerous, and very deceptive. But in this society, a lot of people are like this just to get something from you and you just cannot ignore their existence. What we can do is just beware them.

Some people are very selfish, they will just think of what they responsible and what suppose to do, even though we are sit on the same ship, they will not bother others life and death. What make them feels themselves get the worst of it just do a little more job? If everyone things like that, the world will just stop like that if everyone will just bother about what they suppose to do. Such a Kiasu act!!  For instance, I joined Pesta Tanglung K10 recently as a drama committee member, in the end of the festival, all committee member should help out each other to clear the venue by arranging back all the chairs and etc. If want to bother that this job should be done by which group, actually this should be handle by Lokasi department, But for others, we think that even though we are not from that group, we just help out each others only so make things easier. But, the group leader found out some chair that is not borrow my him, he shouted said: " everyone attention, these chair are not borrow by my department, my department and I will not responsible for this! which group have borrow these chairs please remove it by yourself!!". Come on la, dear fat group leader of Lokasi, even though we know that those chairs are not borrow by your department, but problem is this chair is borrow for pesta tanglung, what make you so difficult by just remove it and just get things done more simple and easily? Why bother so much about who's responsible? Carry more chair will make you suffer losses? Childish! Besides this, some even do not want to responsible even though that is their responsible, previously, we encounter some problem from the leader of the event. So, to make things clear, we should ask someone to find out what was the problem from the leader,but unbelievable is, the leader go find someone under him, and transfer all his responsible to that fella and says that everything is his fault! What the heck, such a responsible leaders we have! If you cannot handle the responsible, then just do what you capable of la! What for to blame others while all that mistake is come from him-selves! like Chinese says, If do not such big head, please do not wear such big hat!, means do not take something that you cannot do. it will just worsen the case and bring more problem to others!

 I think i better stop here before I cannot control myself from start pop out something from my mind and writing non-stop. These are just some part of the experience from my university life. Even though life is hard, but life must go on and most importantly, do not give up easily, just take it as a challenge for ourselves to improve whatever we did.

1 comment:

  1. Great thought!! Anticipate more post from you!! way to go =)
